Monday, August 30, 2010

Gavin's 1st Race Track Experience

Gavin went to the race track for the first time this past weekend. He was very good and seemed to enjoy himself. Both Matt and Bryan raced up at the Black hawk farms raceway. Between the two cars on the track and a cute little boy... I had lots to take photos of. :)
It was a defintely a fun weekend but the race results weren't as good as we had hoped.
Oh well....

Saturday Morning, Great Grammy and Poppo arrived at the track. Before the practice session, Gavin and Grammy spent lots of time talking and laughing.

My little blue eyes

Snoozing away during the practice session ( Saturday Morning) The fresh air and stroller ride must have made him sleepy.

After lunch, Gavin decided to take a little snooze with Grandpa. We all rested up a little bit in the shade as we waited for the qualifying session.

After napping with Grandpa, it was time for the guys to get the cars ready again. As Gavin and I waited we played. Gavin played with the grass for the first time. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it. As he approached the edge of the quilt, his eyes got BIG and it was one of the first times I have seen him "reach" for anything.

Saturday Afternoon- Qualifying

Gavin is ready to go....The Long Racing Team

It takes a lot of hard work to look good..... so now... it's time to nap again...

The noise didn't bother Gavin but I still put the ear phones on to protect him.

He was always awake until the cars started going by. The roar and shaking of the cars must soothe him. hahahahahaTime to play and talk to Uncle Matt. After the qualifying session, it was time to cool down the cars and relax again. Gavin and Matt decided to stay cool and hang out in the trailer. This gave my a chance to sneak away and finally use the restroom. ;)

Quilt time again. Saturday late afternoon, the guys were working on the cars and Gavin and I played. Sunday- Race Day

It was a gorgeous day. The race was around eleven o'clock and the sun was WARM! Gavin, Sue and I watched from Turn 1 ( like usual ) and it was a great start.

Bryan was second at the start at took the lead out of turn one. He then proceded to pull away from Cliff Ebben who was now second. He had approx a 10 second lead ( if not more) at one point and even lapped some cars.Bryan lapping Matt ( who was racing in a different class)
Bryan passing his friend Chris going into turn 1. (again, Chris was in a differnt class so it was expected that Bryan would be lapping them )

With 5 laps to go.... Bryan was going down the straight away and BOOM! Engine blew. We could hear the car making noises as he entered turn 1 and luckily, he was able to pull over safely right in front of us.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Newborn Photo Session

Last week we took Gavin to his first photo shoot. Shannon Walton Photography did a wonderful job and we are anxious to see more photos. These are just a few photos that she posted on facebook today and they are adorable... dont' you think?!?!!!

Gavin's Birth


May 17, 2010 ( Monday at 12:45 am )
Was in labor since 4 am Sunday Morning but did not decide to go to the hospital until midnight. I tried lasting longer but the back pains were so intense that I could not get comfortable in any way. I was scared to go to the hosptial but I knew that I needed to be checked. Sure enough, we arrived at the hospital a little before one and was admitted right away. The nice nurse hooked me up to the monitors and measured me. Boy!! were we shocked to find out I was at a 3. Within an hour and a half, they got my epidural hooked up and i was at an 8. Bryan decided to call our parents to let them know and at 3:30 our waiting room was full! :) Unfortunately, they would be waiting quite awhile because I was dialating quick and at a 10 but when the dr broke my water, my dialation went back to a 8. They tried lots of things... but nothing worked and I was stuck at a 9 with the baby still high. They had me push but we could not make any change. The dr then said... it's time to prep her for surgery. At 10:41 am ... Gavin James Long was born.

The view Gavin saw looking out the nursery window! :)
A very tired me. This is shortly after being brought into our room from recovery.

A very very proud daddy!!!

There were no photos taken of me with Gavin until Colleen took this on the second day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

41 weeks

41 weeks now and still waiting to meet BOO...

If he does not arrive on his own this weekend, then I am scheduled to see the doctor. He will then check me one more time for induction but if no change... then I am already scheduled for a c-section monday at 11:30.

Photo ( above) taken on 5/13/10 (40 weeks and 5 days)

Photo taken on 5/4/10

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thank you Mom!

Thank you Momma!!!
I just received this awesome arrangement from my Mom, Oscar, Izzie and Louie.
It is so pretty. I can't decide if I want to take it home tonight or enjoy it at work the rest of the week. The dog was handmade by my mom and it's adorable. I cant wait to put him on my deck this summer!

It's hard to see all the flowers that are in the arrangement. It looks as if this little guy is standing in a garden of different flowers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Boys

Bryan took Lou for a Bike Ride yesterday. Louie loves playing with daddy's toys.... wonder how Bryan is going to take Lou and Boo for rides?!?!?!?!

Louie chillin' on the ride....

Going Fast...

Rylen's Recital Photos

Rylen had her first recital Friday night.. she did wonderful!
She is definitely a STAR!!!

The infamous "NANA Look"... watch out!

Rylen loved the flowers that Bryan gave her after her performance.