Monday, July 14, 2014

I'm back - 2014

4 years later.... and I am back on the ol' blogger.
I have so much to catch up on! Another son, a busy work load at home (and at office), house remodel projects  and lots of daily insanity. It's all wonderful but I am ready for more. I am ready for change. I am ready to be creative. I have so many ideas locked up in my head ( or stacked in several places of the house- as I still like to print and tear things out instead of "pinning" ) I am ready to do something and maybe even make a little money while doing it. Lots of people tell me that my mom and I should open a store but that won't happen. I don't think we have the patience nor the money to try to play in Peoria. We do have lots of ideas and we enjoy sharing them with others so it's worth a try. It's worth a few minutes here and there to think of things we can make and share with all our family and friends.

Now... wish me luck!!!!