Friday, September 26, 2008


Can't believe it...

I can't believe that I am doing this. Who would have thought that I would create a blog? Not me!!! I guess that I found it was time. Not sure why or what made me do it. (Probably the procrastination and the urge not to work on a Friday. HA!) I figure the winter is coming near and I need to be prepared with some creative outlets. Who knows.. maybe i will become a famous blogger? Maybe I will be read by MTV who will want to hire me for their next reality show. Maybe Paris Hilton will find me out here and want me to be her next BFF. NOT! Anyways... it appears that I am going to give this a shot. Maybe tell a couple stories here and there and keep all those far away caught up on what's going on in the Long Household.

I am sure you will be seeing lots of photos. But until I learn how to do that.... check out my red bubble account: