Friday, February 12, 2010

The Bump ... growing .. growing.. growing...

As requested by many.... here are the BUMP photos of me. My sister in law insisted we take these photos during my pregnancy and I am glad she did :) Every two weeks, monday morning we would take my photo at work. It is fun to look back and see when the changes really began. I felt bloaty at week 12 but it's hard to see that in the photos. Obviously at week 22 I am popping out! I sure could feel a lot of changes during week 24 and it shows when you then see my photo a week later. Boo sure had a growth spurt that week.
And to think...there is still lots more growing to go.
"Bring it on Boo"

Love, your momma

7 weeks (above) .... my first full week knowing I was pregnant. A sad attempt at taking my own belly photo...... A "BEFORE" shot. hahahaha

January 25, 2010- 25 weeks and 1 day ** look at the difference from just one week above**

27 weeks and 1 day
Boo in my belly on Feb 8, 2010 ( He is approx 15 inches long stretched out & 2lbs. ) The emails say he is the size of a small bag of flour or a large egg plant.

New photo posted.... taken Feb 23rd. 29 weeks and 2days.

Bryan measured me ( with a tape measurer) yesterday (2/24) and I was 3ft 3in round. WOW!

But the good news is... Bryan is still rounder :) He was 3ft 5in. But let's see what we both measure in another two weeks. I have a feeling I will be surpassing him pretty quick. hahahaha Colleen thinks I will be 4ft plus some inches by the time of my shower (3/13) so we will just have to measure again then and find out...

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